Do you have a new puppy or older dog who needs to learn some manners? Frustrated because your dog is barking at the door or doing other unwanted behaviors? We’ve all been there, as pet parents we know that every dog is different and based on their personality training can be easy or hard. Clicker training has become the widely known and used training and it’s great but what about when you need your hands free? That’s where the Treat and Train by Premier Pet comes in handy. The Treat and Train is a wonderful device that dispenses treats at the click of a button. So no matter where you are, as soon as your pooch does what you want you click the button and they get a treat!
You can dispense more than one treat at a time as well for “jackpot” rewards when they’ve done something ultra great! The treat and train also has a down-stay sensor which is great when you’re trying to teach down stays because you can set the time, allowing them to gradually stay longer and longer before receiving a reward. The first thing I did with the treat and train was allow my pup to figure it out, by clicking the button and allowing her to get a treat. We did this for ten reps before we began training her to go to her place (her dog bed.) Within a week, she knew when I told her to go to her place that she was supposed to go to her bed, no matter where we were or where her bed was. She will now run to her bed when asked. We’ve worked on sitting when asked, not jumping on people when they walk in the house, down stays and much more. This product is a must have for dog training! I would definitely recommend this to any dog owner who needs a little help training their furry friends.
You can buy the Treat and Train for $59.99.
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