What type of schooling do you currently or plan to do with your children?
Joy-We like the Montessori philosophy. My three year old starts preschool in a week and our 17 mo old will go two days a week to the toddler room for a few hours.
Nik- I don’t have the patience for home-schooling. My son graduated from public school, which has a very good reputation in my area. My other son currently attends the same public school as his brother.
Tonya- For now the twins will be going to public school and start Kindergarten in just a few weeks. As the years go on if they choose to (maybe ages 10 or 11, and I will encourage them to) they can choose to do virtual schooling. My niece started virtual school in January (age 10) and she no longer gets headaches and has maintained the straight A’s she was getting in school. She loves it and learns WAY more than she ever did and ever would in her school. She is involved in plenty of extracurricular activities so she still get a lot of social interaction. We’ll see.
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Leigh says
virtual school? I do not know what it is but my imagination has invented something amazing.
Leigh recently posted..My Dream School
Julie Jordan Scott says
What a fine balance you all strike! Wonderful!
Julie Jordan Scott recently posted..Educational Choices: I Seem to Never Get On This Subject Without Starting a Rant and a half
Crystal Evans says
I love Montessori schools. And I hope that by the time my daughter is old enough to go to school we can afford private schools.
Crystal Evans recently posted..Timeshare Rental Review and Giveaway
Janelle@domesticallyseasoned says
What is virtual schooling? Sounds kinda neat. Is it offered in your school district or is it more of a program online? Do they receive a degree if complete?
Janelle@domesticallyseasoned recently posted..Off to home schooling we go!
Ann says
There are so many options these days for kids which is nice. When I was growing up, homeschooling and virtual education weren’t even options. Charter schools also are something relatively new to the state. Am amazed at the variety of ways that all kids can be reached now.
Ann recently posted..Homeschooling with Sensory Integration Disorder