5 things to do if the power goes out.
Joy-Go out of town! (Power went out for two days right before I left) read, Charge your laptop at work so you have the computer for a few hours at night (Sept ’08 our power was out for over a week from midwest storms), work overtime and clean.
Nik- Since our power just went out about 3 weeks ago, this is what we did: find the flashlights/lantern…go out to dinner….go out for ice cream after dinner….relax and enjoy the quiet….go hang with neighbors.
Erin- 1. Nap 2. Clean 3. Shadow Puppets 4. Go outside and play 5. Eat all the ice cream in the fridge before it melts.
Tonya- 1.) Go outside, weather permiting 2.) If it’s dark out, play with flash light with the kids 3.) Go to bed early 4.) Go to my parents house 5.) Grill out
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Ann says
I like the ideas of going out to eat and going out of town. Kind of takes your mind away from not having power at home and would pass the time quicker.
Ann recently posted..5 Things to Do if the Power Goes Out