When I was growing up becoming a parent was not on my list of what I wanted to be. I never thought about it even though we married young and our siblings had four boys between them. One day it just hit me that I wanted kids and so we started trying. And trying. And then in 2009 we had our first son, Big C, and we were very happy. ‘Let’s try again’ I said and out popped our girl two years later. We dabbled with the notion of having a third. But why? We had one of each. Perfect. It just felt off. After all a full house is a pretty damn good poker hand! So we let put all of our chips in and just let it ride and viola we had our third (and final) baby.
Growing up it wasn’t easy for me to see my friends bring their father’s to dances or at their parties. I am so fortunate that I married a man that has a deep sense of family and loves his kids whole-heartedly. It’s not always going to be sunshine and roses but knowing he’s there for the rough patches and the giggles and grins makes it life easier. I asked him to show what’s ‘all worth it’ to him with a few pictures.
Cuddling Miss C when she’s sick and playing “Piano Man” on the piano. We love Billy Joel and his music and like to share it with our children, especially when they aren’t feeling well, it’s there lullaby.
Going for a simple walk with the kids down to the gas station to get an icee. Even on a quick walk it’s always an adventure with the kids, we found a snake on the sidewalk last time!
Hiking through the woods at Grant Nature is always fun. I love teaching the kids about the world and they soak up the knowledge like a sponge. Little C spotted this deer and they had a stare down.
“Parenting is super easy!” said no mom or dad ever. But you do your best. You get creative. And enjoy sweet little moments that make parenthood worth celebrating every day. Share yours on Instagram tagged with #GrowingUpGerber. Then come back to see if your photo has been chosen as a pic of the week. What are your #GrowingUpGerber moments?
Loved the pictures of your beautiful family!