We’re currently accepting sponsors to feature for our holiday gift guide during the 2017 holiday shopping season. We’ll customize your experience so please do not hesitate to ask if you have another idea in mind. We can also combine various options to fit your business needs. The gift guide is featured on at least two blogs which means more readers enjoying your products! Gift guide posts continue through December for last minute gift ideas too!
Options for your Brand:
Feature: To highlight your brand a minimum of $100 in full-size product(s) or a gift card sent to The Kids Did It to participate. The product is not returned. The sponsor provides photos and overview for the brand, product, or service. Includes discount/coupon code, link to buy the product, social media shares, and a personal photo of the product(s). *If the value of your product is below $100 we can accept multiples of the product or partial payment to reach the minimum amount.
Feature w/o sending product: If you prefer not to send physical products or a gift card, become listed in the guide starting at $30 per item. The sponsor provides one photo plus an overview of item(s). Social media promotion is an extra fee. We do NOT accept images without receiving compensation. Our time is valuable.
Add a Giveaway to a feature: Maximize reach of your brand and have more eyes on your product which will be promoted further across social media and various websites. The giveaway may also include additional bloggers promoting, increasing exposure. Giveaway has to be a minimum of $50 in value to each winner – may have multiple winners. A gift card would do great too. Product shipped directly to the winner by the sponsor within a timely manner. Please send a $125 product minimum for the extra time involved to administer a giveaway.
Giveaway only with no feature: Don’t want to send a product but want to maximize your reach? A giveaway will last 2-4 weeks and may be included in a giveaway event. Product shipped directly to the winner by the sponsor. The sponsor provides image and overview of the prize(s). $75 fee per giveaway plus product to the winner(s). Would you like to feature a giveaway on multiple blogs? Ask me how!
Advertising: Sidebar ads are available. – $25 for the months of November and December.
Social Media Blast Bundles: Don’t want to submit a product? Have a service or coupon? Social media blast bundles are for you. Starting at $25.
Blogger Outreach Campaigns: Need influencers on the fly? We have an established database of reliable bloggers for content creation.
If you are interested in our holiday gift guide email joyskidsdidit@gmail.com. All promotional fees paid in advance before work is started. *Please keep in mind we work diligently to promote your brand and products. Prices and product minimums are FIRM*
As part of our Holiday Gift Guide, your brand will receive: (To be determined via option type)
-Posting on our Facebook (16K), Twitter (28K), Pinterest (9.5K), Instagram (5.3K)
-Inclusion on the grand prize of a TKDI giveaway event (Super Stocking Stuffer, This AND That – high-value prize packages & gift cards, Winter is Coming )
-Ongoing social media promotion during the holiday season.
-Promotion on various giveaway pages.
*The deadline for inclusion is 12/14/2017
*Samples of work – Back to School with Reebok, Sick Just Got Real with Pfizer, National Ice Cream Month, Shark Week, 2016 Holiday Gift Guide.
great sweeps during the holidays to bring happiness into our lives. Thank You. I just love the gifts with the ideas and Christmas feeling of giving.
I am working on setting up my blog. I appreciate what you have shown me here as it sparks ideas.
I don’t have a business to offer products for a giveaway but I enjoy your blog hops and gift guides a LOT!
I enjoy your site. It is fun and lots of interestng items.
I wish I’d had time to do a full gift guide this year, but I had too much going on!They really are helpful!
Christy Maurer recently posted..10 Essential Oils to Combat Flu Season
There are huge option to expand audience and customer outreach, thanks for the massive way to do it. I’ll try the giveaway boost option once I host my next one.
What an excellent gift guide!
Thanks for the information
This gives me an idea how to setup something like this for my blog, I never know what to charge for stuff so this helps a lot.
Kim Meier recently posted..Shock and Outrage…My Recent Experience with the Davenport Police Department
I like the concept of the potluck-like gift guides.. It brings a lot of gift ideas I didn’t think to look into.
Thanks for the information!
I love the gift guides! You offer brands and companies a great opportunity, as well as your readers. Thank you!
The gift guides definitely will come in handy.
I love your gift guides. Keep up the good work. There are so many great gift ideas- love it
Thanks for all the information.
That’s great to get exposure.
This is fantastic. I love the gift guides and product reviews. It’s interesting to see what your guidelines are behind those types of things.
Shared on FB to help spread the word, have a great day! 🙂
I just want to thank you for letting us enter all these cool giveaways.
It use to be so much fun at Christmas when we had little kids, but now all but one are teenagers.
Whoa I had no idea that this is how yall joined up! Pretty cool. I always wanted to run a blob and share my opinions with others. But like many things I try to do in life I let me low self esteem stop me from doing anything. Always afraid of rejection? Silly.
I meant blog obviously lol
Very helpful and informative. Thank you & Happy Holidays 🙂
This is pretty cool, definitely something to consider for my shirt company. Thanks!
Great information. This would be great for new bloggers as well as for others, that are looking for a way to make more from their blogs. As a blog reader I enjoy blogs that show new products and review them. Nothing like seeing a product used by a real person.
Thanks for so many good tips!
A mine of interesting information! I don’t have a blog (at the moment) but this is bookmarked for future reference.
I agree with the other post! This was really helpful to read. I’m starting a blog and it’s fascinating to learn how other people do it and see all the fun ways to connect and create a bigger audience. Good luck with your giveaway! It sounds amazing! <3
Thank you very informative info on how to start a blog!
Great ideas. Can see you put a lot of thought into this. Thanks.
i will definitely keep this in mind as i grow! thanks for all the indo
I always like checking out the gift guides on blogs. I see a lot of new products that way.
You’ve done a really nice illustration for this! I’ll be sure to follow this!
I love the effort put into this and how informative it is! Thank you so much I will definitely use this for the holidays!
I love looking thru Wish Lists, gives me great ideas!
This is pretty great information. Thanks!
I love gift guides, it’s sometimes difficult to find great gift giving ideas for every occasion.
Not a blogger, but very good information. Understand better how it works.
Great information! I love the gift guides!
I really like this and the gift guide. Thanks for sharing
I cannot wait to see your updated page when we get just a little closer the the full holiday season. Thanks Amanda for your awesome blog!
Very informative! I just started my blog and Im not ready to “advertise”, as Im still setting it up, but as a newbie this step by step, is fantastic! Good Job!
This is amazing. I love the gift guides with details and photos so I know more about potential gifts for the holidays or even upcoming birthdays and anniversaries.