My kids love keeping busy. They exhaust me just watching them being active from sun up to sun down. On rainy days they still love to be busy but rather than riding our bikes in the basement, we play a lot of games or will do pages from our workbooks to keep busy. Ivy Kids subscription boxes have your child’s entertainment AND education in mind when they make each box to send to your door.
Ivy Kids is a monthly subscription box that has been designed by early childhood education teachers for children ages 3-8. They teach children different skills including fine motor, math and reading comprehension. Each activity can be modified for the child and their age. What’s even better? These kits have been tested by kids. That’s pretty neat.
When you open the Ivy Kids subscription boxes you will see on the lid what the box contains. It reminds me of a box of chocolates and it’s the key to finding your favorite! I could just be hungry though. It’s so fun seeing what the kids wanted to play with first. Each bag or kit within the Ivy Kids comes with instructions of how to play and the parts of the craft kit/activity. Every month there will be at least 10 activities to keep your children entertained.
The August Ivy Kit features the book Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh. The book plays a roll in each individual game or craft so make sure you read it first! You’ll find:
- The book Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh, a beloved children’s story
- Read along Bookmark, to assist with reading comprehension
- Storyboard to retell and act out the events in the story
- All About Colors, science booklet that provides facts about colors and ways to explore with the color paddles
- Making Colors, use the paints and pallet to create different colors and paint the mouse sheet.
- Mess Free Finger Painting, squeeze the primary colors in baggies to make secondary colors by using your hand to mix.
- Make Your Own Mice, use the model magic clay to create your own mice!
- Create Your Own Sun Catcher, glue colorful tissue paper to a transparent sheet to create a beautiful sun catcher.
- Color Paddle Exploration, use the color paddles to explore the surroundings and create new colors.
- Color Paddle Matching Game, use the color paddles to complete the pictures by matching colors.
- Making Patterns, use the colorful chips and patterns strips to copy, complete and/or create new patterns.
- Hide the Mice Game, hide the mice from the cat by matching each mouse to the right colored space.
- Run Away From the Cat Board Game, move the mouse game pieces along the path and save them from the cat.
- I Spy With My Little Eye, players use clues to help each other guess the pictures on the board.
Caet wanted to try the Patterns Activity first and since she’s the youngest she got to choose first. She’s three and was able to follow the directions, especially with big brother’s help.
Next they wanted to play the I Spy game. These books are a favorite in our house and we love playing it in the car as well. As you can see they are using the chips when they guess the correct image that each ‘spied’. Caet was able to guess what I and Cal had spied but found it a little difficult to do the actual ‘spying’. Cal has mastered both aspects of this game.
As you can see I Spy really is a favorite of ours since they wanted to play it the next day as well. Ivy Kids is great because you can reuse the materials throughout the month until your next subscription comes. If you homeschool the materials can be incorporated into you daily routine.
I have to admit that a lot of the games and learning points Cal had already done in pre-school. Although we had never read the Mouse Paint book he had a monthly ‘Adventure Bag’ that had similar concepts but not as many activities. Cal’s preschool (and now Caet’s) is part of the school system so it’s nice that I know I could subscribe to Ivy Kids and have access to the activities that the early childhood teachers are subjecting my children to.
Subscribe to Ivy Kids by July 22nd to receive the August box! New subscribers can save 20% off of their first box!
I love all of the different ideas for kids. So many neat activities and love that it last until next box arrives.
Mouse Paint was one of my favorites books when I was working as a nanny! I love the idea to do activities based around a book. Looks like a fantastic box collection.
I like that these kits are designed by early childhood educators and involve a wide range of activities and skills.
This box sounds like a lot of fun.
I love that it teaches children how to mix different colored paints to make new colors such as blue and yellow make green.
These look fun, and I like that it engages kids in learning too
Playing is learning for children and this would be perfect for my little sunshine. Really keeps there minds working ♥ great product
i like this and i know my 4 grand-kids will love it to…they are gonna be here next week for a week stay
I love all the ideas and activities. Great for summer when the kids are bored
I love these activities for the kids. It would keep my kids busy. What a great thing to have and to do especially on those days when you by chance, have the time for some great kid time.
It looks like they had fun with it! How cool.
These look like a lot of fun!! I think the pricing is very reasonable as well.
Looks like a lot of fun activities
I am impressed withe the great assortment of activities in this kit, the fact that they are emphasizing hands-on learning, and that the activities are open-ended.
There are so many items and details. Great for keeping kids busy and working hard. I like how the activities go along with the book.
I would love to get these for my niece. This is a wonderful idea.
I love all of the different ideas for kids. So many neat activities and love that it last until next box arrives.