Here is another tidbit that I call a “Hunterism”…..
Hunter (upset that his older brother doesn’t want to hang out): I’m mad.
Dad: What’s wrong?
Hunter: Nick won’t hang out with me.
Dad: Hang out with me.
Hunter: No.
Dad: Why not? Aren’t I cool?
Hunter: Yes, but you are boring.
Motto: You can be cool all that you want to be, but don’t be boring!
jennifer zuna says
too cute! lol
jennifer zuna recently posted..BlankZ Review and Giveaway
Dawn says
Hahahahaha! You should tell him that boring IS the new cool. 😛
Dawn recently posted..Madison at Main {Sponsored Review}
maria says
Hilarious!! kids can come with some stuff!! Great personality he has. 🙂
maria recently posted..Music On A Budget
kandi says
I love the things kids say sometimes. My daughter one time told me that maybe soon when I grow up to be older like daddy (my hubby is 4 yrs older then me) I will be able to buckle her into the truck (a big F250) with out having to stand on the step bars lol… If only
Patty A says
Hahahaha! Kid's are so funny.
Emily Ploch says
Kids say the darndest things. lol
Lesley says
LOL! That sounds like a conversation my kids would have with us 🙂