ONE entrant will be selected by the entry form to win the books featured from National Geographic Kids (ARV $90) Open for entry in the Continental US, 18 years and older from 12/02/16 thru 12/16/2016 at 11:59pm ET. Winner will have 24 hours to respond to notification email to claim their prize or a new winner will be selected. See Rafflecopter for official rules. Hosts & participating bloggers are not responsible for fulfilling prize obligations from sponsors or self-sponsoring bloggers.
Savings in Seconds and the Christmas Cheer bloggers want to send you the warm fuzzies this holiday season. Prize packages in this event are valued at $50+ so enter every one on the linky! Don’t miss the GRAND PRIZE package, generously offered by Brentwood Home, which is valued at $190. Merry Christmas!
I got these for my niece & nephew and they loved them.
My favorite holiday book is “Twas the Night Before Christmas” I read it to my grandchildren before they go to bed Christmas eve!
I always read T’was The Night Before Christmas and How The Grinch Stole Christmas to my children every year, they are my favorites! 🙂
‘Twas the night before Christmas has been a staple of our holiday routine for as long as I can remember!
I think my favorite Christmas book now is The Immortal Nicholas. Not a kid’s book, but I was crying for the last half of the story, it was so good, and I was feeling for the main character.
I love “The Night Before Christmas.” 🙂
Edye recently posted..Giveaway: Steem Peanut Butter (US, 12/21)
My favorite Holiday books are always How The Grinch Stole Christmas and Twas The Night Before Christmas.
I’ve always loved Twas the night before christmas as well as debbie maccomber’s angel books.
**a question**
The entry that reads
“Enter the Holiday Giveaway
Name? This will be verified!”
Leads to a BLOGGER OPP page.
(from May 18th)
What are we supposed to enter?
How will it be verified?
I went via a link from that page to https://thekidsdidit.com/2016/11/spectacular-gifts-during-the-this-or-that-holiday-event/
“This OR That Grand Prize – Magformers and Spectrum Diversified”
and entered there.
Can you verify to me, that that will be counted? If so, how?
Hi Margot!
Yes you are correct. I just updated the entry form to reflect the live holiday giveaway – which is part of the This OR That blot hop event.
If I were to draw your name and you claimed this entry then I can look to see if you did.
Thanks so much!
We love the classics like A Charlie Brown Christmas and The Night Before Christmas!
How The Grinch Stole Christmas was always a favorite. Now I read it to my grandsons
My favorite Holiday books are always The Polar Express and of course Twas The Night Before Christmas.
One of my favorite books that I like reading every year now to our three year old grandson is; The Night Before Christmas.
We love ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas!