The kitchen. I have a love/hate relationship with my kitchen that I’m not sure will ever go away. I love the big window that overlooks part of the backyard in our kitchen so I can see the kids play while I do dishes or piddle around. And I hate almost all of the other parts of the kitchen from the counter tops to the useless desk space in the dining room. It’s just weird and not functional. And while I can’t change them right now or move I can make the best of what we have and not complain. I do have a few tips I’ve used to keep me sane.
Get a garbage can that fits and has a lid. I love, love, love my garbage can. Yeah I know it’s JUST a garbage can but man that thing is awesome. It fits perfectly in the little space between my counter and garage door and you don’t even notice it’s there. It’s has a pedal you step on to open the lid which opens from side to side and doesn’t come off! Seriously that’s important when you have a smart dog and cat and three kids, two of whom love to see what mom threw away of theirs and dig it out of the trash. Le sigh.
And don’t forget to have good trash bags. There’s nothing worse than taking a bag out of the can to take to the garbage and the bag rips which leads to a major mess. I am guilty of stuffing my bags full to the brim so I need a strong bag. Hefty Ultra Strong bags are an outstanding quality at a new, lower price plus the active tear resistant technology for better puncture resistance is a life saver! Go to and save $1.00 off one box of Hefty trash bags, a perfect time for you to try them!
Don’t leave dishes in the sink overnight. This is a hard one for me but I will admit it’s always nice waking up to a clean kitchen with no worries about doing dishes. I feel energized, like something is already done for me today and that makes a world of difference. I can be grumpy in the morning and a happy mom means everyone gets off to the right start and has a great day.
Use your garage door for important school papers and schedules. Our door to the garage is in our kitchen across from our refrigerator. This is the place I keep the kid’s school papers, drawings and doodles, calendars, husband’s schedule, and whatever else ends up there. I declutter about once a month and move mementos to a box down in the basement. This keeps the counters from being cluttered with useless junk (for the most part) and no one is trifling through my desk looking for their stuff.
What kitchen tips do you have to save time and money?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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