In 2016, one of the most successful animated franchises in the world returns with its biggest comedy adventure yet, KUNG FU PANDA 3. When Po’s long-lost panda father suddenly reappears, the reunited duo travels to a secret panda paradise to meet scores of hilarious new panda characters. But when the supernatural villain Kai begins to sweep across China defeating all the kung fu masters, Po must do the impossible — learn to train a village full of his fun-loving, clumsy brethren to become the ultimate band of Kung Fu Pandas!
Directed By: Jennifer Yuh Nelson and Alessandro Carloni
Produced By: Melissa Cobb
Starring: Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman, Jackie Chan, Seth Rogen, Lucy Liu, David Cross, James Hong, Randall Duk Kim, Bryan Cranston, J. K. Simmons, Kate Hudson
Bloggers! Don’t forget to sign up for the next events: Keep Calm and Hop On in February, Subscription Box/Service in March, April’s Rain Rain Go Away! Giveaway hop, Life’s A Beach in May and Lots For Tots in June! ALL types of blogs welcome to join!
One lucky entrant selected to receive a Kung Fu Panda 3 Prize Package! (ARV $35) Open for entry to readers in the US, 18 years and older from 01/31/16 thru 02/14/2016 at 11:59pm EST. Winner will have 24 hours to respond to notification email to claim their prize or a new winner will be selected. See Gleam Form for official rules. Prizing courtesy of DreamWorks Animation & 20th Century Fox.
Shakeia Rieux says
My favorite is Viper
Nancy says
Our favorite character in this series is Po.
laura b says
We love Po! He is super funny 🙂
Aiman says
Tigress is my absolute favorite. She has been my favorite ever since 2008 – when I was as little as 8 years old! 🙂
Susan Smith says
Po is my favorite character.
Cori Westphal says
I like Po’s dad, with the noodles. Funny!
coriwestphal at gmail dot com
Elizabeth H. says
Po is my favorite
Jan Lee says
My great nephew likes Po 🙂 My great niece likes Mei Mei 🙂 I personally like Po too 🙂
Peter G says
Po, he is brave and strong but funny.
shelly peterson says
Po is my favorite character.
Laura says
Po is my favorite Kung Fu Panda character. 🙂
Leah Shumack says
Tigress is my favorite character!
Karen A. says
Tigress is my granddaughter’s favorite.
Amber Ludwig says
PO’s dad!! I love how family oriented he is 🙂
Pamela Gurganus says
Po is my favorite.
Sarah L says
I’ve never seen the movies so I don’t have a favorite.
Thanks for the contest.
Sherry Compton says
I like Po on Kung Fu Panda…haven’t seen the new one though.
Karen Glatt says
I like Po the Best and so does my niece. We love this movie!
Debbi Wellenstein says
My favorite Kung Fu Panda character is Tigress.
Cynthia R says
My favorite Kung Fu Panda character is Tigress.
Cynthia C says
My niece and nephew like Po.
slehan says
subscribe email: slehan at myway dot com
I don’t like that the form will not allow me to put the email I subscribe with.
If it tries to subscribe my other email I will ignore and delete it.
Amanda says
You can login with the email you want to subscribe with, Instagram, etc. There are a number of different ways to do that. Subscribing to email in an optional entry and not required. Thanks!