*All hops start on a Thursday*
If your link isn’t reported in the doc. by Thursday morning the day a hop starts, you’ll be moved down the linky. If your giveaway is not live at Noon Eastern the day a hop starts, you’ll be deleted from the hop.
Join our BLOGGER TALK Facebook Group. If there are problems with your post we will tag you in the group. If you aren’t in the group or can’t be tagged we will remove you from the linky. We do not send emails.
Please see the FULL rules here:
Here’s a quick tutorial on how to set up a giveaway hop:
We require the unaltered giveaway hop image and a VISIBLE linky code somewhere in your giveaway post. (Unless you have a wordpress.com blog) A picture of your prize and a CLEAR method of entry – no comments or Google Docs.
This event post must have a unique link on your site. Do not post on a tab with other giveaways, the link must lead readers directly to the hop post only.
Giveaways and posts must be dedicated to this event. You can’t list someone else’s giveaway you are promoting. And you can’t have co-hosts!
Posts must go live by 12:00 pm (NOON ET) on the day a hop starts and ends at 11:59 pm (ET) three weeks afterward. The exception is November and December.
If you are using Rafflecopter set to end the next day at 12:01 am ET. Here is a time zone converter for reference: http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/. Make sure your giveaway is THROUGH the end date. This interrupts the flow of the hop AND you lose last day traffic.
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